Merve Ozgul Data Enthusiast | Business Analyst | Entrepreneur

About Me

I'm a curious data-enthusiast who is passionate about innovation, entrepreneurial strategy and story-telling.I was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. Exploring new topics, cultures and places feed my soul. I traveled more than 30 countries, met and collaborated with many different people. Experiencing diversity help me to understand how people think and how they communicate their needs.

As entrepreneurship lies in my nature, I like to ideate solutions to the pain points and needs of the people, whether it is a social or business problem. When finding a solution, I prefer to do quantitative analysis, to make the right decision and to be able to see mutliple scenarios clearly. As data is at the heart of the quantitative analysis, I decided to learn about data tools (R, Python, SQL, Excel). Theese tools combined with my analytical mindset, help me to overcome challenges more effectively and leverage the story-telling by using interactive plots and dashboards. If you are interested in my approach, please feel free to look at my projects! (I Plotly!).

Data Analysis

I use R, Python and SQL to analyze large datasets and identify meaningful patterns. I set myself various projects to do in my spare time and learn more about different methods for analytics.


I believe story telling is essential for communicating insights from data analysis. I like to create dynamic reports with interactive visualizations using R Markdown, Jupyter and Shiny.


I use tools like Tableau and Google Analytics to enable fast investigation for critical business decisions, and Git to establish real-time collaboration on projects.


Super Bowl LIII logo

Text Mining Super Bowl 2019 Tweets

  • Text Mining | Text Data Analysis | R | tidy

🏈 I was in Boston during the Patriots Parade. It’s my second “real” Super Bowl experience... So I decided to learn the most from it and did some analysis on Super Bowl tweets in R. 🏈 Actually I learned more about other topics during the analysis rather than NFL also I started following Sony Michel on social media. If you wonder why I followed him or curious about some of the highlights of Super Bowl on Twitter(and my code), you can check out my new post on rpubs.

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Google Play Store

EDA Google Play Store Apps

  • Exploratory Data Analysis | Python | Seaborn

This script has a basic exploratory data analysis on the Android application market using the Google Play Store Apps dataset on Kaggle. After cleaning the data, I analyzed at the most downloaded apps and categories.

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World Happiness Report

Well-Developed Countries are Happier

  • Data Visualization | R | ggplot | plotly

I worked on World Happiness dataset on Kaggle, which has 158 countries and different attributes. I demonstrated the happiness rank across the world on an interactive world map and identified the facts that is related to happiness across the world by looking at correlations.

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Statistical Analysis of Bikeshare Systems: Insights on Bikers

  • Descriptive Statistics | Python | Interactive

This interactive Python script has statistical analysis for Bikeshare system usage system usage in three cities: Chicago, New York City, and Washington, DC. I investigated the demographics of the bikers and derived insights about users and trips that can helps to optimize the bike sharing.

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Identifying Unsatisfied Customers in an Early Stage for Santander

  • Classification Tree | randomforest | xgboosting | R

I worked on Santander Customer Satisfaction dataset on Kaggle. By using different classification algorithms, I recommended tailored solutions for the possibly unsatisfied customers to prevent them churn. Best performing model is xgboosting that has AUC of 0.837.

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Koala: Creating Stronger Student Parent Communities

  • Entrepreneurship | Community Building | Marketing Strategy

Koala is a venture project that aims to help student parents to communicate, schedule a playdate, exchange babysitting services, find out about child-friendly events, or just meet other parents from their school. I led an international team of 5, where we developed a business plan and presentation.

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shredded art

Adventure Game: Will you win Fansy's Art?

  • Python | Nested Conditions | Functions

I was inspired by Banksy's shredded art incidence. I designed a text based adventure game using python.

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